Roslyn N. Carrier-Brault, MA, Animal Communicator & Photographer

Braulttree Wellness Center, Established on March 15, 2020.

Email: | 860-344-9573 (land line)

Picture of Roslyn N. Carrier-Brault, co-owner of Braulttree Wellness Center, established in March of 2020.

Picture of Roslyn N. Carrier-Brault, co-owner of Braulttree Wellness Center, established in March of 2020.

Founder and co-owner of Braulttree Wellness Center is a full-service practitioner in Universal White Time Healing (UWTH), Universal White Time Crystal and Minerals (UWTHCGH), A Lemurian Crystal Practitioner (LISHN), New Earth Teacher (NET), Reiki Master Teacher, (RMT), and Certified Hypnosis Therapist (CHT). Roslyn holds a master's in Social Sciences from Wesleyan University, where she worked for 15 years as the Administrative Assistant for the Department of Chemistry. Upon retiring from Wesleyan University, she started Intuitive Pet Care and Training, LLC, which has grown to include energy healing services for Humans and their pets.

Roslyn is presently developing New Earth Chakra workshops, which will cover human and animal chakra systems. Plus include Crystal and Mineral Layouts for New Earth Energies. Additionally, by request, Roslyn teaches classes about Intuitive Animal Communication, as well as, offers dog training classes for puppies and adult dogs.

Services: Universal White Time Energy Healing, Crystals and Minerals Healing, Lemurian Crystal Practitioner, Pastoral Counseling, New Earth Teacher, Intuitive Pet Care, and Training, LLC, and Fine Art Photographer, owner Braulttree Studios.